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Our Committee

The Compassionate Party of Australia is currently in its formative stage and requires people to assist us in getting established. This means putting together a team of individuals who can operate as a committee. Initially, all positions will be of a voluntary nature. 


As a new organisation, we expect that duties will be relatively light to start with. Eventually though, we hope to grow to a stage that enables us to be more active in the community. At this time, we understand that some executive postions, such as Secretary, and Treasurer may become full time, requiring pay. 


a backgtound image of a purple silhouette of a group of people

So that we don't overburden anyone, we require a substantial team of volunteers, with a range of skills from interpersonal communication, management, and social media, to content creation and so on. 


If you have any time and skills to offer to this project. please contact us.


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Our Candidate

As yet we do not have anyone who will run as a candidate for The Compassionate Party of Australia.

If you have any political aspirations, and agree with the philosophy of The Compassionate Party of Australia, then please contact us.

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